May 22 – take up

May 22, 2019 =========

☆  take up (裾などを)短くする


Now, this is a word I am familiar with! When I was younger, I was short – well, OK, I am still short, kind of average height – and so most of my school uniform clothes needed to be taken up. The skirts and dresses and pant legs were too long. My mom was an expert seamstress – she would sew clothes for all of us, but she was also able to do alternations such as taking up a hem, very easily.

Unfortunately, I didn’t inherit her sewing talent! So, when I was young, all my clothes were the right length… now as an adult, it’s hit and miss! Some are the right length, some are too long, but I can’t take them up myself. And I think if I paid for someone to take up my hems, my mom (who passed away last year) would be wondering why I didn’t bother to learn from her! So, nowadays my clothes are often too long! Ha ha!

