Today’s Word: relaxed

July 13, 2018 =========

☆  relaxed  のんびりした


The other day I mentioned the book I’d read, Afformations. In that book, the author says that affirmations are often not effective, because there is a gap in our belief between reality and the affirmation. For example, you might have the affirmation, “I am a relaxed and confident English speaker.” However, if you don’t really believe this, then you won’t take action to become the relaxed and confident English speaker you want to be.

The author suggests instead that we ask positive, empowering questions, starting with “Why.” This way, we can use the brain like Google, and search for answers to our question – and when we find the answers, we are much more likely to take action. So, in the example above, a good “Afformation” would be:

Why am I a relaxed and confident English speaker?

This sends your brain on a search for positive evidence that you ARE a relaxed and confident English speaker. And each little, tiny piece of evidence adds to your confidence, and little by little you really do become a relaxed and confident English speaker. I love this system! Why don’t you give it a try?

