Today’s Word: natural

July 12, 2018 =========

☆  natural   生まれつきの


Someone with a natural ability or skill is born with that ability and didn’t have to learn it. For example, she has a natural ability with languages. Or he has a natural flair for business. Do you have a natural ability to understand English or is it hard work for you? It’s interesting, don’t you think, that when babies are born, they don’t actually have a language – they learn the language that they grow up hearing.

When my son was born, I was living in Japan. He went to childcare in Tokyo and so he grew up speaking mostly Japanese, and just a little bit of English. Even though you’d think with a native English speaker for a parent, he’d have a natural ability to speak English, he couldn’t speak English well until he was almost 4 years old!

I actually think we all have a natural ability for languages, it’s really just our environment that decides which language we speak. What do you think?

