Today’s Word: rapid

July 11, 2018 =========

☆  rapid  素早い


Something that is rapid is fast and quick. Everyone wants their learning to be rapid and effective right? Have you ever tried the PhotoReading system? Or any other way of rapid learning? I love the PhotoReading system, and use it to read books, which means I can read a lot of books quickly.

One book that I recently read was Afformations by Noah St. John. It was really interesting. He said that we all want rapid results and rapid changes in our lives, and most success books recommend using affirmations for rapid change in your life. However, he said that if we don’t believe the affirmation, then we won’t make any changes to our actions – which of course, means we won’t have rapid success. Affirmations alone are not enough, we need to take action.

I’ll tell you more about his ideas tomorrow!

