Today’s Word: engage with

August 26, 2017 =========

☆  engage with  触れ合う


If you engage with something or with a group of people, you get involved with that thing or group, and feel that you are connected with it. One of the things that I found really helped my Japanese language learning when I was living in Japan was engaging with the local community. I could have spent all my time with other foreigners, but that would have meant I spoke English all the time. What a waste!

So, instead, I made sure that I went to local community events and tried to communicate with the locals. I lived in Mitaka, and there was a society called, Mishop – Mitaka International Society for HOsPitality. They have Japanese language classes and other events, which are great ways to get to know Japanese people living in the same area as you.

Have you ever studied abroad or visited a foreign country? Did you try to engage with the locals?

