busy 忙しい

May 21, 2016  =========
☆ busy 忙しい
Going back to the 168 Hours book that I told you about earlier in the month, she talks about our “scripts.” The author says that we have a script or an internal dialogue that we keep repeating to ourselves, and it is something like this: “I am busy.” Or “I can’t, I’m busy. I don’t have time.” When we repeat these things inside our heads, then our reality is that we feel like we are always busy, according to the author.
The author also says that our society admires people who are “busy” or “tired” because if you are not “busy” or not “tired” then you are not working hard enough for society. What do you think about these ideas? In Japanese society is it important to be seen as “busy” or “tired.” Are people actually really busy, or is it just something that people say without thinking?