responsibility 責任

March 29, 2016 =========
☆ responsibility 責任
“Responsibility” is the state of being responsible. When we add the suffix “ity” to words it changes them to the state, condition or quality of that thing. Do you know any others? Here are some:
civil – civility – the state of being civil (polite)
necessary – necessity – the state of being necessary
agile – agility – the state of being agile
diverse – diversity – the state of being diverse
false – falsity – the state of being false
Do you know any other “ity” words? If you see this kind of word, then you can usually guess what the original word is and then you’ll know that the “ity” word is “the state of being that thing.” Of course, if you don’t know the original word either, then you can guess the meaning or check your dictionary (if you can’t find the “ity” version in your dictionary.)