checklist チェックリスト

March 5, 2015 =========
☆ checklist チェックリスト
A checklist is a list of all the things that you need to do, of information that you find out, of things that you want to take somewhere, which you use in order to make sure you don’t forget anything. Do you use checklists? One of my favorite checklists is from the GTD (Getting Things Done) book, and it is called the “Someday Mabye Checklist”.
The Someday/Maybe checklist is a checklist of things I think I’d like to do but not right now, and so I put them on the checklist so that I don’t forget them. And so that I do not have to keep them in my memory. I can write it down and then forget about it until I review the checklist later on. This is one of the great things about checklists, we can save our brain power for more creative things.
Do you use checklists? What do you use them for?