hopeful 望みのある

November 9, 2015 =========
☆ hopeful 望みのある
In the useful phrases this week, one of the sentences is: “I’m still hopeful I’ll get the job.” That is a common way to use today’s word: “I’m hopeful that…” or “I’m still hopeful that…”
If you’re feeling hopeful, you are feeling fairly confident that what you want to happen will happen. In the previous example, the use of the word “still” implies that the person is confident, but maybe less confident than they were in the beginning. For example, if you lost your mobile phone yesterday, you might say, “I’m hopeful that it will be returned.” Or “I’m hopeful that I will find it.” However, if a week or more has past, you might not feel so confident about finding it, so you would be more likely to say, “I’m still hopeful it will be returned.” Or “I’m still hopeful that I will find it.”
What are you feeling hopeful about at the moment?