yearning 憧れ

October 31, 2015 =========
☆ yearning 憧れ
It’s Halloween today… when I left Japan, Halloween was becoming a bigger, more popular event. What is it like now? I found this interesting article from November 2014, talking about Halloween in Tokyo last year. The Japanese costumes were excellent, but I was disappointed to see all the rubbish in the streets – one of the things I miss about Tokyo is how clean it is, and how people are respectful of the fact that the city is used by everyone.
Usually when I see photos of Tokyo and other areas of Japan, I feel a yearning to return to the big city! It’s so exciting, a big, huge city, and yet so safe and clean. So many great izakaya’s and karaoke places, too. 🙂 However, when I saw these “after-Halloween” photos I was a bit shocked, and didn’t have any yearning to return to Tokyo for Halloween! Next time I come I’ll make sure it’s not at the end of October!
Have you ever been somewhere that you feel a yearning to return to? Where was it and why do you feel that way? What do you miss about that place?
By the way, here’s the Halloween article if you’re interested in reading – or checking out the photos!
See you next month,