white space 空きスペース

October 13, 2015 =========
☆ white space 空きスペース
Back onto the topic of “letting go” for October… one of the best reasons to let go of things and clutter is to create white space in your apartment. White space can help clear your mind. It’s a lot easier to feel relaxed when you are looking at white space instead of clutter.
And how about white space in your schedule? When you look at your daily planner is it filled with appointments and things to do – so many things that there is no white space? A while ago, I started to make sure that I had white space in my calendar. Some days it is just 10 minutes of unscheduled time, other days I can take 30 minutes or an hour. This “white space” is unscheduled, and I can use it however I want to or need to. Just seeing white space in my daily schedule helps me to not feel busy.
Do you have enough white space in your life?