energetic 活動的な

July 15, 2015 =========
☆ energetic 活動的な
Are you an energetic person? Most of my friends say that I am energetic because I get up early and run a lot. However, although I get up early, I probably go to bed early too, usually around 10:30pm. Is that early? I think most of my friends think that is early. The only way for me to be energetic and active during the day is to go to bed early!
Whenever I caught the train in Tokyo, I was surprised by how many people were sleeping. I rarely slept on the train because I wasn’t really tired, and I was scared to miss my stop!! However, when I wasn’t feeling very energetic after a long day, I used to set my phone alarm to wake me up in time for my train station – just in case I fell asleep!
How about you? Are you energetic? Do you feel tired during the day or does your energy last all day? Bye,