experience 経験

June 28, 2015 =========
☆ experience 経験
There are lots of great quotes about “experience” but I love this one by Oscar Wilde, “Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” Ha ha, so true. When we are old enough to realize that we can learn from our mistakes, it sounds much better to call them “experiences” rather than mistakes, right?!
Is there any experience in your life that you think of as a “mistake” that could really be called an experience? Maybe you stayed too long in a job or a relationship that wasn’t working for you. Or maybe you didn’t travel abroad when you were younger and now feel like it is too hard to travel. All of these so called regrets and mistakes are really just experiences, and without we wouldn’t be who we are, right? Thanks to all of the experiences we have had up to now – both good and bad – we are who we are. I’m pretty happy with that, how about you?