blossom 発展する

June 29, 2015 =========
☆ blossom 発展する
Earlier in the month we had the word “flourish” which is often used to describe flowers, and now today, “blossom” which is most commonly used to describe flowers, too. I think there is a theme here, right? The lifetime of a flower is quite similar to the lifetime of a human I guess! Luckily as humans we have a lot more time to blossom than a flower does!
One of the most famous quotes about blossoming is by author, Anais Nin.
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” This is actually a difficult quote to understand. If you search Google for the meaning of this quote, you’ll find lots of different answers! I think it means that personal growth is hard and sometimes painful, but not growing is more painful… What do you think it means?