process 作業

May 1, 2015  =========
☆ process 作業
Welcome to May! Have you started your Golden Week holidays yet? Mine start after finishing work tonight. It’s fun to have the same holidays as Japan even though I’m now in Australia – it means that all the shops are still open and everyone else is at work, so wherever I go is not crowded!
What are you planning for the Golden Week holidays? Did you go through a planning process in order to decide what you’ll do? I did. I knew that I would only have a little bit of time and I knew that I had a lot to get done, so it was important to start the planning process early in order to use my GW holidays effectively. My list of “To Do during GW” is very long, too long! So the first step in my planning process was actually to go through the process of elimination – to decide what I really “need to do” during GW and what would be “nice to do”. This helped a lot and I’m looking forward to a nice GW holiday. I hope you enjoy yours too!