combine 結合する

December 7, 2014 =========
☆ combine 結合する
There are lots of ways to use the word combine and it can mean the same as these words I’m sure you already know: join together, blend, connect, link, mix. Here are some sentence examples:
If you combine two or more things, they exist together.
Losing his job, combined with the birth of his third child has made life very difficult for him.
We must try to combine freedom with responsibility.
When you combine things, they join to make one single thing.
Combine the flour and water to make a paste.
The researcher combined data from hundreds of studies to make one giant study.
If a person or thing combines two qualities, they have both those qualities (or features).
She has model-looks combined with a friendly personality.
His novel had a serious tone combine with hidden humor.
If you combine two activities you do them at the same time.
Is it possible to combine a career with being a mother?
I want you to combine these two jobs over the next six months.
And the last use of “combine” is for when two or more groups join together to form a single group or corporation.
We decided to combine companies in order to increase our market share.
The organization decided to combine their overseas branches into one main office.

Can you make a sentence using “combine” in one or all of these different ways?