make allowance for  ~を大目に見る

December 6, 2014 =========
☆ make allowance for  ~を大目に見る
If you make allowances for someone, you accept behavior which you wouldn’t normally accept because they have a problem. This could be an actual problem, like a disability, or it could be something as simple as being tired!
For example, a mother might ask you to make allowances for her noisy child if he’s tired. “He missed his nap today, so please make allowances for him.”
“Examinations at school and university make no allowance for differences in social and financial backgrounds.”
It seems like it is getting more and more common for people to make allowances for others, or at least to expect other people to make allowances for them! How about in Japan, is it common to make an allowance for someone or is “good” behavior expected at all times?