schedule time for  ~の時間をスケジュールに入れる

August 30, 2014 =========
☆ schedule time for  ~の時間をスケジュールに入れる
What kinds of things do you schedule time for? Do you schedule time for English lessons? What about English study when you are studying alone without a teacher? Do you schedule time for exercise or your hobby?
For me, in the summertime, I schedule time for exercise in the morning before anyone wakes up. Usually it is light outside, so I can go running safely at 5am in the morning! In the wintertime though, it is so dark and cold… I don’t want to run at 5am! So it’s much harder to schedule time for running in winter. If I wait until lunch time, it might be raining or I might be too busy. So if I want to run, I really need to schedule time for it and make sure that I don’t skip it.
How about you? Is there something you want to do but find it hard to schedule time for? What is one way you could overcome this?