react  反応する

August 9, 2014 =========
☆ react  反応する
My dictionary says that react is the same meaning as respond. What about your dictionary? I think it is interesting, because there are many, many (many!) books and websites and self-help gurus who say that there is a big difference between reacting and responding.
When you react to something you are acting impulsively without really thinking about the problem. On the other hand, when you respond you are acting deliberately after making conscious decisions. Although in grammatical use they might be the same, in self-help area they are very different!
In fact, if you do a search on Google of “respond vs. react” There are over 11 million results!! There are also a lot of infographics too (pictures/graphics used to explain information) if you’re interested in knowing more about this. Is there a difference in meaning in the Japanese language too?