break up  破綻する

July 20, 2014 =========
☆ break up  破綻する
Oh no!! I just checked the ALC online dictionary (my favorite for E – J translations) for “break up” and the little box of “English hints” at the bottom was talking about the Disney hit song, “Let It Go”…. Aaaah, now I have that song stuck in my head!! You know the song, right? It’s one of those songs that stays around in your head for hours and even days! I do quite like the song though!
So, I guess the Internet cleverly saw that I was searching about “break up” and decided that “let it go” was good advice! Ha ha. Good job Internet!
Back to today’s word! When you break up with a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife your relationship with that person ends. Here are some example sentences:
My boyfriend broke up with me last weekend.
He never wanted to get married, so we broke up.
I think we should break up.

And remember, when a relationship breaks up, the best thing to do is just “let it go”. 🙂