discuss  議論する

June 18, 2014 =========
☆ discuss  議論する
When you discuss something, you talk about it in order to reach a decision. Just “talking” about something doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to reach a decision about it, so although you could also use “talk”, there are times when it is better to use “discuss”. Here are some examples:
I will be discussing the situation with my manager tomorrow. (Here, my goal is to reach a decision about the situation. Our discussion will be focused on reaching a decision.)
I will be talking about the situation with my manager tomorrow. (We may or may not reach a decision; we will probably just talk generally about the situation.)
They discussed how to respond to the request. (The goal was to reach a decision about what to do / how to respond to the request.)
They talked about how to respond to the request. (They may have reached a decision, but the goal was probably just to talk generally about the situation.)
It is only a slight difference, but if you are talking about something with the purpose of reaching a decision, then it’s best to use “discuss” instead of “talk”.