quick-witted 機転の利く

May 21, 2014 =========
☆ quick-witted 機転の利く
My dad was very quick-witted. He was intelligent and good at thinking and responding quickly, usually with a funny remark that was very clever. I wonder if this is a trait that we are born with or not. I know my dad read a lot, and always paid attention to the news, so I guess this gave him a lot of information and anecdotes to use in conversation.
Is being quick-witted a common trait in Japanese? Would you say that you are quick-witted? What about when you speak English? I think it is a lot harder to be quick-witted in another language, but it’s not impossible. You can do it in the same way that I think my dad did it – by reading a lot (in English) and paying attention to current affairs around the world. If you do this in English, then you’ll learn the vocabulary you need to speak easily on those topics. And if you want to be able to be more humorous when you speak English, then watching comedies and reading humorous books can really help.