analyze 分析する

January 31, 2014 =========
☆ analyze 分析する
OK, we’ve come to the end of January. One month of 2014 already finished! It’s a cliché, but time really does fly!! Now might be a good time to look back over your goals and analyze how you are going so far. When I take time to analyze my actions during the previous month, it gives me a good opportunity to calibrate and refocus for the coming month.
I usually ask myself questions like, what did I accomplish? What am I proud of? What worked well, what didn’t? What was my biggest challenge in this month? And then finally, I analyze all of this, and think about how I can make a better month coming up, and then I set my top three priorities for the next month.
Do you analyze your month at all? How do you do it? What do you do? Is it at the beginning of the month, or at the end, like me? Come tell me on Facebook, I’d love to hear!