appreciate 感謝する

January 29, 2014 =========
☆ appreciate 感謝する
Last year, when I only had time to do the Eigo Techo mail on a monthly basis, I really appreciate all of you for continuing to read my ezine. And then when I sent out the question about which format you’d like, many of you contacted me by email, and on Facebook to tell me you’d prefer the “daily” format – I really appreciate that, too. And finally I really appreciate that you read my short emails each day, I hope they’re helpful.
Is there someone in your life that you really appreciate? Why not let them know? Send an email, or give them a call. Research shows that people who actually express their appreciation and gratitude to others (rather than just thinking about it) feel happier in their daily lives. I’m definitely feeling happier having told you how much I appreciate you. 🙂