August, 2013

August,2013 contents =========
・This month’s review
・This month’s word list


Welcome to the August monthly review mail.

I have some sad news. Last month during the Obon holiday, my father passed away. He was 87, so he had had a good, long life, and he had been sick, so I am glad he is no longer in pain… but it was still a shock.

To be honest, I’m not really sure what to write for this month’s review… The topic is “Believe 信じること”. And the phrase at the beginning of the month is “Accept change with a smile. 変化を笑顔で受け入れよう。” My father’s death is a big change in my life – but it’s hard to accept that with a smile!! He had been sick since April, so I had spent a lot of time visiting him in hospital, so I have a lot more time now… but I think if you asked anyone which they would rather have – more time, or their loved one still alive – naturally they’d chose to have their loved one still alive, right?

But I believe that my father would want me to be happy and continue life with a smile. So that is what I will try to do; Accept change with a smile! How about you? Is there any change happening in your life that you need to accept with a smile? Why not try it, a simple smile can make you – and others – feel a lot better!

And as always a quick review of the monthly words.

What five words were new for you?

What one word really excited you? (I mean what word were you glad to learn?)

Create a sentence using your favorite word from the month.

And if you don’t have the Eigo Techo nearby, here’s the monthly word list:

August 1 release 解き放す
August 2 handle (問題を)扱う
August 3 aim 目指す
August 4 notice 気づく
August 5 acceptance 容認
August 6 healing 癒し
August 7 truth 真実
August 8 faith 信仰
August 9 trust 信頼
August 10 change 変化
August 11 opportunity 好機
August 12 persevere やり抜く
August 13 navigate 操縦する
August 14 observe 見守る
August 15 argue 言い争う
August 16 facilitate 手伝う
August 17 calculate 計算する
August 18 deny 否定する
August 19 underlying 根本的な
August 20 new 新しい
August 21 simple 単純な
August 22 limited 限られた
August 23 unfamiliar 慣れていない
August 24 widespread 普及した
August 25 sudden 急な
August 26 courage 勇気
August 27 transition 過渡期
August 28 leverage てこの作用
August 29 circumstances 状況
August 30 ambition 野心
August 31 goal 目標

Remember to send me feedback if you have any thoughts or questions concerning the mail magazine. Send me a message or leave a comment on my Facebook page. Look forward to hearing from you!

See you at the end of next month!
