
March,2013 contents =========
・This month’s review
・This month’s word list

Hi there!!

It’s time for the March Monthly Review mail. How have you been? What was good about your March? What was great about it?

Now that you’re warmed up and feeling positive, let’s get started with March’s review mail!

March’s topic is “Wear Your Words 美しい言葉を装う”. Do you know Jack Canfield? He is one of the authors of the famous “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book series. (There are many, many books in English, but I could only find this one in Japanese: こころのチキンスープ―愛の奇跡の物語.) One of the things he says is that, “You have control over just three things in your life: the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions you take.” What do you think about this idea? Do you agree or disagree? If you disagree, is it because you think we can control more than this or less than this? Some success experts say that we do not have control over our thoughts, because the mind is like a machine and just going on and on, and we cannot control it.

I was thinking about Jack Canfield’s idea, and this month’s topic, and regardless of those three things, I think there is one more thing we can control: the words we speak. What do you think? Are our words automatic or can we choose them? I think sometimes when we are emotional it might seem like we can’t control our words, but perhaps we can… We might feel like saying “XYZ” but if we pause for a moment, we might choose to say something better, happier, kinder – in other words, we might choose our words more carefully if we thought that we were really “wearing our words”.

What do you think? Do you think “wearing your words” and choosing them more carefully can have a positive effect on your life? I do, but it sure is challenging to do it in reality!!

And as always a quick review of the monthly words.

What five words were new for you?

What one word really excited you? (I mean, what word were you glad to learn.)

Create a sentence using your favorite word from the month.

And if you don’t have the Eigo Techo nearby, here’s the word list for March:
March 1 treasure 大切にとっておく
March 2 know 確信している
March 3 charm 魅了する
March 4 elegant 上品な
March 5 bright 生き生きとした
March 6 artistic 芸術家肌の
March 7 glowing 熱烈な
March 8 vibrant とても元気な
March 9 chic シックな
March 10 dramatic 劇的な
March 11 intention 決意
March 12 grace 気品
March 13 self-image セルフイメージ
March 14 leisure 余暇
March 15 serendipity 運良く見つける才能
March 16 luck 運
March 17 coincidence 偶然の一致
March 18 sensitive 敏感な
March 19 becoming よく似合う
March 20 eloquent 雄弁な
March 21 fascinating うっとりさせる
March 22 attractive 魅力的な
March 23 radiant うれしそうな
March 24 immune 影響を受けない
March 25 affect 影響する
March 26 motivate やる気を起こす
March 27 prepare 準備する
March 28 finish 終える
March 29 unwind 緊張をほぐす
March 30 figure out 計算する
March 31 set out 出発する

Remember to send me feedback if you have any thoughts or questions concerning the mail magazine.

See you at the end of next month!
