April, 2013

April,2013 contents =========
・This month’s review
・This month’s word list

Hi there!!

It’s time for the April Monthly Review mail. How have you been? What was good about your April? What was great about it?

Now that you’re warmed up and feeling positive, let’s get started with April’s review mail!

April’s topic is “Sparkling moments. きらめく瞬間”. When I was in university, I studied psychology for a few years, but ultimately didn’t continue with it. During that time though, I remember (very vaguely! It was a while ago!!) that we talked about “sparkling moments”… In psychology, a sparkling moment is a moment when the client has a breakthrough with regards to the problem they are facing.

Unfortunately, most of these “sparkling moments” go unnoticed, or are ignored because the person thinks they are not important. Of course, if this happens, then the client will often regress, and fall back into old patterns. In other words, it is so important to stop and appreciate these sparkling moments.

Now, why am I telling you this? Well, I actually think that it can be applied to English, too. I’m sure you’ve had a “sparkling moment” in English. For example, maybe you discovered a new way to study vocabulary, or perhaps you spoke easily and confidently with a native speaker that asked you for directions. Or maybe you remembered a word that you had learned and was able to use it. Sparkling moments in English don’t need to be huge “breakthroughs” but they do need to be noticed and appreciated. The more you notice and appreciate them, the more you’ll have those sparkling moments.

So, take a look back over your April, or even your year so far, and notice and appreciate the “sparkling moments” you have had with regard to English. If you feel like it, come and tell me about them on Facebook.

And as always a quick review of the monthly words.

What five words were new for you?

What one word really excited you? (I mean, what word were you glad to learn.)

Create a sentence using your favorite word from the month.

And if you don’t have the Eigo Techo nearby, here’s the word list for April:
April 1 automatic 習慣的な
April 2 dynamic 活動的な
April 3 instinctive本能的な
April 4 severe厳しい
April 5 wonderful 素晴らしい
April 6 personal 個人的な
April 7 magnetic 魅力的な
April 8 attempt 試みる
April 9 dedicate 捧げる
April 10 measure 測る
April 11 tire out ぐったりさせる
April 12 sparkle 輝かす
April 13 evoke 喚起する
April 14 kiss キスをする
April 15 outstanding 傑出した
April 16 willing 自発的な
April 17 young 若い
April 18 juicy きわどい
April 19 general 一般的な
April 20 favorite 気に入った
April 21 delicate 繊細な
April 22 spontaneity おおらかさ
April 23 atmosphere 雰囲気
April 24 discontent 不満
April 25 limitations 欠点
April 26 moment 瞬間
April 27 glee 喜び
April 28 image イメージ
April 29 examine 調べる
April 30 distinguish oneself (優れていると)認めさせる

Remember to send me feedback if you have any thoughts or questions concerning the mail magazine. You can email me, or post a comment on my Facebook page, because good news, I can finally log in, and not get automatically logged out by my server. Yay! Look forward to seeing you on there.

See you at the end of next month!
