11/27号 ☆loosen 緩める

November 27, 2012  =========

☆ loosen 緩める


Let’s learn another idiom today. Do you know the idiom, “loosen up”?
If you tell someone to “loosen up” it means that you want them to
relax. Here are some examples:

I said a joke to help people loosen up before my speech.
His job is so stressful, he finds it hard to loosen up – even on
the weekend.
She was shy at first, but after she loosened up she was much
more talkative.

Can you use this word, “loosen up” or today’s word, “loosen” in a


“Loosen up”というイディオムをご存知ですか?
誰かに“Loosen up”と言ったら、リラックスしなよ、ということです。

I said a joke to help people loosen up before my speech.

His job is so stressful, he finds it hard to loosen up – even on the weekend.

She was shy at first, but after she loosened up she was much more talkative.

あなたも、“loosen up”や、今日の単語“loosen”を使って文章を作ってみて下さいね。
