10/24号 ☆inevitable 避けられない

October 24, 2012 =========

☆ inevitable  避けられない


When we talk about something being inevitable, we mean
that it is certain to happen and cannot be prevented or
avoided. It is usually used to describe something negative,
however it can be used to describe something good too. For
example, if you take small steps and study a little English
each day, then it is inevitable that you will improve!

Today’s word is also used as an idiom, “the inevitable”. This
is a noun, and it means something that is inevitable. We usually
use it with the saying, “Just delaying the inevitable.” Which
means that someone is doing something to try and avoid having
to do something or to avoid something bad happening, but it is
not going to work. For example, “She said she will call him tomorrow.
But I think she is just delaying the inevitable.” This means that
she has to phone him eventually, so it would be better to phone sooner
rather than later. But she is avoiding making the phone call for
some reason – perhaps she knows he will give her bad news.



今日の言葉は“the inevitable”と、イディオムでも使われます。
“Just delaying the inevitable”、つまり、何か良くないことを避けて、ずるずると先延ばしにしたり、悪あがきをするという意味で使うことが多いでしょう。
“She said she will call him tomorrow. But I think she is just delaying the inevitable. ”
