7/20号 ☆figure on 予定する

July 20, 2012 =========

☆ figure on 予定する


Today’s word is used when you want say that you plan that something
will happen or assume that something will happen. The nuance is a little
different than “planning” something, because there is the element of
chance of something else happening.

I left with plenty of time to get there, but I didn’t figure on the trains being
We are going to work hard and figure on finishing the project within a week.
We figure on leaving at 6am in the morning.
I figure on staying in a hotel the first night.

Can you use it in a sentence? What do you figure on doing this weekend?

See you,



I left with plenty of time to get there, but I didn’t figure on the trains being delayed.

We are going to work hard and figure on finishing the project within a week.

We figure on leaving at 6 am in the morning.

I figure on staying in a hotel the first night.

