7/18号 ☆engage 約束する

July 18, 2012 =========

☆ engage 約束する


Today’s word, “engage” has a few different uses, like this one,
meaning to commit to something. And when we talk about
getting married, usually the first step is to get engaged to
someone. In other words, you are committing to getting married
with that person.

“Getting engaged” is a common way to use today’s word, however,
to use it in the meaning of committing or promising to do something,
(other than getting married) “engage” is the formal word, so it is not
usually used in every day conversation.

See you,

そして結婚をする時には、普通“engage (=婚約)”をしてからですね。

一般的には“Getting engaged”と言いますが、婚約ではなく何かを約束する、誓うという意味で使う場合には少しフォーマルな言葉になるので、日常の会話ではあまり使われません。
