5/27号 ☆genuine 誠実な

May 27, 2012  =========

☆ genuine 誠実な


Have you heard the English slang, “the genuine article”?
Just like today’s word, the “genuine” part means “authentic” or
“honest” and in this phrase, “article” can mean a thing or a person.

Here are some examples for “things”:

Her hair is really that color, it’s the genuine article!
Is this watch a fake or the genuine article?
Is this the genuine article or just a cheap substitution?

When using it to talk about a person, you are meaning that the person
is honest and real. For example:

Most people say that they would do volunteer work, but Mark really
does do it, he’s the genuine article.

Is there a similar phrase in Japanese?


英語で“the genuine article”というスラングを聞いたことがありますか?


Her hair is really that color, it’s the genuine article!

Is this watch a fake or the genuine article?

Is this the genuine article or just a cheap substitution?


Most people say that they would do volunteer work, but Mark really does it, he’s the genuine article.

