4/30号 ☆interpretation 解釈

April 30, 2012 =========

☆ interpretation  解釈


In English, when something has more than one possible interpretation,
we often say, “it is open to interpretation”. This can be used to talk about
someone’s behavior when their actions are unclear. Here’s an example:

Tom’s behavior towards Sarah is open to interpretation… in fact, I can’t
decide if he likes her or dislikes her!

Or it can be used to talk about a “thing” such as a movie or book.
The ending of the movie is open to interpretation. I’m sure that
they can make a sequel!

Hope you enjoyed this month, and are choosing to be happy each and
every day!

See you next month,

英語で、何通りかの解釈が出来ることに関しては「Open to interpretation」と言います。

Tom’s behavior towards Sarah is open to interpretation… in fact, I can’t decide if he likes her or dislikes her!

The ending of the movie is open to interpretation. I’m sure that they can make a sequel!

