2/19号 ☆companion 仲間

February 19, 2012 =========

☆ companion 仲間


When we talk about a companion, we usually mean a friend who is
with us during a certain time. For example a “travelling companion” is
someone who travels with us. And although “companion” is almost the
same as “friend”, we would say our “travelling friend” because that would
mean that your friend was travelling, not you!

We also call someone is a “constant companion” in the case of someone
who is with a person during an illness, or someone who stays with an elderly
person so they don’t get lonely. For example:

He was her constant companion while she was sick with the flu.
Jane was his constant companion during the last few years of his life.

See you,

例えば、「travelling companion」は、一緒に旅行をする仲間です。
「Companion」は「friend」と同じような意味ですが、「Travelling friend」と言ったら、「旅をする友人」となり、あなたではなく、友達が旅行をしていることになります。

また、病人を看護したり、お年寄りがひとりにならないように一緒にいたりする人のことは、「constant companion」と言います。

・He was her constant companion while she was sick with the flu.

・Jane was his constant companion during the last few years of his life.
