Today’s Word: assign

November 16, 2018    =========

☆  assign  任命する


If you assign a piece of work to another person, you give them that work to do. This is probably the best time management “trick” of all, right? Imagine if you could assign all your boring tasks, or low value tasks to someone else? You’d be so productive! Ha ha, so long as you were the boss and the other people had to do the work you assigned them! If you’re a coworker or a subordinate, you probably don’t get to assign your tasks to someone else, right?

However, assigning tasks to someone else can be really useful. Each of us has certain skills, and certain things that we are really good at – and someone else at our work (or home!) might be better at doing other things than us. It makes sense to assign those tasks to the person who is better at it, right? I think so – and in fact, something that is boring to you, might not be boring to another person, so why not assign the task to them?

Maybe this would work in a perfect world! What do you think? Are you able to assign some of your tasks to other people?

