Today’s Word: big picture

July 28, 2018 =========

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When we talk about the big picture in learning, we usually mean the most important facts about a situation or learning point. In general, adults learn best when best when they know the big picture of what they are going to learn, before going into detail of each small point that makes up the big picture. So, if you are going to learn a grammar point, before looking at the grammar bit by bit, look at the big picture first.

An example would be learning past tense – the big picture would be when and why you use the past tense. The small points that you would then learn would be how to use the tense, how to form the past tense and so on.

One more thing to think about with the big picture, is the big picture of WHY you are learning English. Is it for your work? A hobby? To make friends? For travel? What is your big picture? When you are not feeling motivated to study, remembering your big picture can help you get your motivation back.

