Today’s Word: nurture

May 2, 2018      =========

☆  nurture  育む


Yesterday’s word was about nourishing yourself, and it tends to be used when talking about food. Today’s word is similar, nurture, however it is more about caring for someone or something, while they grow and develop. Whether it is with food (nourishing) or with care (nurturing) it is important to nourish and nurture yourself, too, not just others around you.

The useful phrase this week reflects that idea: It’s important to take time to nurture yourself, too.

So, how have you taken time to nurture yourself in the past few weeks? I’ve had a busy few weeks, as it’s been school holidays, and kids get bored just being at home. However, from last Monday, they have been back at school, so I have been nurturing nourishing myself the past few days, with quiet beach walks, and relaxing at my local coffee shop. I love “Golden Week in Australia”!! 🙂

