Today’s Word: nourish

May 1, 2018     =========

☆  nourish  栄養を与える


This month is all about Mental Care. This is actually a topic that is very important for me right now. As you know, my little girl was born in January, and so many of my friends at the moment are also new mums. “Post-natal depression” (PND) is a kind of depression that affects new mums. A surprising number of my friends have said that they feel like they have this PND.

To recover from this, sometimes medication is needed to correct chemical imbalances in the body. Sometimes all that is needed is to take time for yourself and to make sure that you nourish your mind and your body. We usually think about nourishing our bodies with the foods we eat and drink. However, it is also so important to nourish our minds and souls.

How are you nourishing your soul these days?

