Today’s Word: control

January 1, 2018     =========

☆  control  操作する


Happy New Year! Welcome to the Eigo Techo mini mails for 2018. We’ve got a lot of new readers thanks to Hiromi mentioning my daily mini mail in the Foreword of the Techo, so welcome! I hope you enjoy the daily mails – and for new and old readers, if you have any feedback or suggestions, please let me know, Id’ love to hear from you:

So, today’s word – Control. We’re talking about Willpower this month, and of course, January is always filled with New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately, as you probably read in Hiromi’s essay for the month, most New Year’s resolutions have failed by February!

That’s kind of depressing isn’t it!!

So, how can you avoid this happening to you and your own resolutions? One thing that helps me is finding a way to control or manipulate my schedule. If I’m working on a project or goal, I try to list up all the things that I need to do to achieve that thing and then make blocks of time in my schedule just to work on those. Of course, this is real life, and we cannot control everything – like the needs of our kids and family, trains running on time, the weather, and so on, but if there are things you can control, then it is best to try and do that, right? 

