Today’s Word: heart

July 1, 2017     =========

☆  heart  心


This month we’re talking about travel and the joy of travelling. Do you travel much? I must admit, now that I am based in Australia, I don’t travel as much as I did when I lived in Tokyo. Tokyo was a great place to be based for all travel – great prices and not too far from anywhere. Now, it’s just so expensive to leave Adelaide!! And, it’s actually a very cool place, so there’s no real reason to leave. Ha ha 😉

Have you heard of the saying, “Home is where the heart is” – it basically means that your home will always be the place you long to be, no matter where you are. For me, even though I was born in England, have lived there, in the USA, Japan and Australia – my heart will always be in Tokyo and Adelaide. If you were to think of the idea of “home is where the heart is”, where would your heart be?

