rise above 突破する

June 13, 2016  =========
☆ rise above 突破する
If you rise above a difficult situation or problem, then you manage not to let it affect you. Usually inspirational stories and TV shows are about people that have faced some huge problem and then risen above it, to succeed no matter what.
I think I told you about the runner, Turia Pitt, who was trapped in a bushfire during a running event. She almost died and spent over 800 days in hospital. But she rose above all the difficulties and learned to walk again, learned to swim again, learned to ride a bicycle again, and then amazingly, just last month, she completed an Ironman competition. In other words, she did a 3.8km swim, 180km bike ride, and a 42.2km marathon in 13 hours and 24 minutes. Wow! Now that is what I call rising above any difficulties. Amazing!