stimulate 刺激する

May 10, 2016  =========
☆ stimulate 刺激する
If something stimulates you, then it makes you feel full of ideas and enthusiasm. One of the reasons I like reading so much is that the books I read are filled with ideas that stimulate me and make me want to improve things in my own life. At the beginning of the book I talked about the 168 Hours book. That book really stimulated me to think about how I use my time.
If we have 168 hours each week, then we can work 60 hours a week (10 hours for 5 days each week, plus 2-hour commute), sleep 8 hours each night (a total of 5 hours each week). That leaves us 52 hours each week to use – for eating, personal care and hobbies and so on. This concept of thinking of time in weeks rather than days really stimulated me and made me think more about how to use my time.
Have you read anything recently that stimulated you to think differently about your life? What was it?