persuasive 説得力のある

April 16, 2016  =========
☆ persuasive 説得力のある
Yesterday, I received a very persuasive email from my sons’s teacher. They go to “Soroban Class” (they learn the Japanese abacus with a Japanese teacher who lives here in Adelaide.) and her email was very short, but it was to the point, and very persuasive.
She said this: It is better if the kids practice their abacus once a day for about 5 minutes rather than once a week for a longer time…
Hmmm, that is advice I have heard before!! Ha ha, I always tell you that you should study English for about five minutes a day, instead of just one long time once a week! I hope that my advice is as persuasive as our abacus teacher’s is… I promise to follow my own advice from now on! I hope you’ll follow it too. 🙂