range 領域

April 7, 2016  =========
☆ range 領域
One of the best things about having a diverse group of friends, or a diverse workplace, or even a diverse society, is that there is a range of knowledge, and a range of experience that we can learn from. For example, in a simple example like running, I have friends with a range of experience, last month, a friend of mine competed in the 48-hour Track championship… yes, he ran around a 400m track for 48 hours!
Now, of course, that sounds crazy (I think it does!) but because of this experience he has a range of knowledge that I don’t – and won’t ever have! The good news is that I can learn from him, without needing to run for 48 hours straight! Phew! He can talk on a range of topics about running, such as blister-prevention, running injury-free, and even mindfulness and being present.
Do you have friends or coworkers with a range of knowledge? Are you using their knowledge to help you in your own life? If not, you should be!
By the way, my 61-year-old running friend ran 280 km in that 48 hours…. Wow!