ideal 理想的な

March 22, 2015 =========
☆ ideal 理想的な
The other day I said I often go to seminars and workshops on various topics. My ideal life would be to be able to attend workshops all the time! I love learning! But of course, output is important too, not just input. This is important for your English learning too. It’s an ideal situation if you can have input and output included in your study. So if you are having English lessons this is easy – you learn in class (input) but you also get a chance to speak (output). This sounds ideal, right?
However, when I worked at an English conversation school, I often had students come who would pay attention diligently; listen and take notes. Then it came time to speak and use the language we had been learning… often those students would not speak at all unless I directly asked them something. This is not ideal for the teacher or the student! It’s always better to speak and risk make a mistake than not speak at all, right? I think that in an ideal world, once the teacher has finished teaching they won’t speak again, only the students will speak!
Do you agree or disagree? What would be your ideal English lesson?