research 研究する

March 16, 2015 =========
☆ research 研究する
Great news!
After researching a lot of computers and laptops, I finally found the one I wanted. Then remember a few weeks ago, I told you that I’d paid the money and it never arrived? Well, things got worse – it arrived, but I never got a message, so it was just waiting at the store for me to pick it up! How frustrating!!
Anyway, I researched the store and found out that I was entitled to my money back, so I applied for that. It took another couple of weeks to finally get my money back… and so it was time to start researching laptops again. When I started researching stores in Adelaide, rather than risk buying online again, I remembered my friend works for Toshiba. So I rang him – and this is the “great news!” part – he got me the same laptop, but for a cheaper price! Yay! I picked it up yesterday, so I’m pretty excited to test it all out today!
Hope it’s not too confusing to use! Otherwise I’ll be researching how to use my new laptop by using Google on my old laptop! 🙂