inspire  刺激を与える

February 15, 2015 =========
☆ inspire  刺激を与える
Last week I finished reading Novak Djokovic’s book, Serve to Win. His story really inspired me. The book is mainly about his diet and what he eats. About four years ago he was playing tennis well but not well enough to win consistently, until a doctor inspired him to eliminate gluten from his diet. The doctor said that since “forever” is a long time, just try cutting out gluten for 14 days. He did this, and the results were so good that he no longer eats gluten ever.
In the book he also talks about friendships. His friends inspire him to keep going and never give up. They also make sure that he doesn’t change his character or philosophies. Even though he is now the world champion, he is still the same person. This part of the book really inspired me. He said that his friendships are much more important than the money and success because they will be there for him no matter what happens.
Have you read a book that inspired you recently? What was it? Why did it inspire you?