patience 我慢

January 28, 2015 =========
☆ patience 我慢
Ha ha! Just as I was getting ready to write this morning’s mini mail, my son knocked on my office door. I had already told him I’d be finished work soon, but he knocked again. My reply was of course, “Have patience, I’ll be finished soon.” Of course, as he keeps knocking I am losing my patience with him!!
It’s a good example of today’s word in use: Have patience!! Or in the case of my kids they have “zero patience” meaning that have no patience at all. Of course, it is summer holidays still, so they are bored. However the good news is that they finally go back to school on February 1st, next Monday, so we just need to have a little more patience! Just a few more days. 🙂
What do you need to have patience for these days?