delicious おいしい

December 3, 2015 =========
☆ delicious おいしい
It’s coming up to Christmas, and in my family, the food on Christmas day is always delicious, but there is sooooo much food!! Usually on Christmas day, we start with presents early in the morning, the kids like to see what Santa brought them, so they get up early. For breakfast, we have a bigger meal than usual breakfast, with lots of delicious fresh fruit, like mango and pineapple!
For lunch, more delicious food – a roast turkey and roast ham to share with my mum, and my brother and his wife. Then Christmas pudding – some people think this is delicious, but I don’t really like it. It’s fun though – the pudding is covered in brandy, and then set on fire!! So when the pudding is brought to the dining table, it is flaming!
Then after lunch we will drive to my sister’s house for more delicious turkey and ham… and pudding! Oh dear… it’s hard to say no to all this delicious food, but goodness me I feel soooo full at the end of the day!
Maybe Christmas day food is similar to the New Year’s food in Japan? A special menu that is usually delicious but not eaten on other days of the year, right?