relief ほっとすること

November 6, 2015 =========
☆ relief ほっとすること
Do you listen to music while you work? I received an email the other day about which is a new start up that offers music to listen to while you work, while you meditate, or while you sleep. You choose what you want to do and then it apparently analyzes your brainwaves and gives you the best music for you in that situation. You’re supposed to use headphones, so I guess that helps it work.
Anyway, I did a trial – you can use it for free for 7 days. I chose to use it while I was working. Oh my goodness, my poor head!! I didn’t have my headphone set up, so it was this loud, banging noise coming from my laptop! I was going to give up, but I thought I’d try with headphones. Honestly, it wasn’t much better – maybe it’s good, but that kind of music (banging!) doesn’t seem to work for me…
What has all this got to do with today’s word?! Good question! Here’s how you can use it:
It was such a relief to turn off that music!
I turned off the music. What a relief!
I tried to skip to the next track, but that was almost the same, and I didn’t get any relief!
Ha ha! Hope you like my examples. 🙂 If you have any recommendations for music to listen to while working, please let me know on Facebook or by email. Thanks!!